Help Desk | IT Support Fundamentals in Amharic

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Instructor Name

Adugna A.


IT Support


4.7 (79 Rating)

Course Requirements

This is your path to a career in IT. In this program, you’ll learn in-demand skills that will have you job-ready in less than 6 months. No degree or experience required.

Course Description

  • This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT.
  • You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service.
  • This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
  • ● understand how the binary system works
  • ● assemble a computer from scratch
  • ● choose and install an operating system on a computer
  • ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world
  • ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer
  • ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting

Course Outcomes

  • Gain skills required to succeed in an entry-level IT job

  • Learn to perform day-to-day IT support tasks including computer assembly, wireless networking, installing programs, and customer service

  • Learn how to provide end-to-end customer support, ranging from identifying problems to troubleshooting and debugging

  • Learn to use systems including Linux, Domain Name Systems, Command-Line Interface, and Binary Code

Course Curriculum

1 Introductin to IT
3 Min

Welcome to Technical Support Fundamentals, the first course of the IT Support Professional Certificate! By enrolling in this course, you are taking the first step to starting your career in tech. In the first chapter of the course, we'll learn about how computers were invented, how they've evolved over time, and how they work today. We will also learn about what an "IT Support Specialist" is and what they do in their job. By the end of this module, you will know how to count like a computer using binary and understand why these calculations are so powerful for society. So let's get started! Learning Objectives Understand why and how humans went from counting using manual methods to calculating data with computers. Describe what binary is and how we use it to communicate with computers. Understand what the layers of computer architecture are. Convert binary numbers into decimal form.

2 Introduction to IT Support
4 Min

3 History of Computing
5 Min

4 Digital Logic
4 Min

5 Binary Quiz [Quiz]
3 Min

6 Reading on Logic Gates
10 Min

7 Computer Architecture Layer
3 Min

8 Introduction to IT Quiz [Quiz]

9 What is IT?
4 Min

10 What does an IT Support Specialist Do?
3 Min

1 Introduction to Computer Hardware
5 Min

In the second chapter of this course, we'll learn about what's inside a computer. We'll learn all about the hardware components or different pieces inside a computer. We'll discover what each component does and how they work together to make a computer function. By the end of this module, you will also know how to build a computer from scratch! Learning Objectives Describe the main components that make up a computer and how they work together. Understand how the CPU takes instructions and executes them. Describe how binary data physically travels throughout a computer.

2 Modern Computer
30 Min

4 Min

4 Supplemental Reading for CPUs
10 Min

5 Motherboards
5 Min

6 Min

7 Storage
5 Min

8 Supplemental Reading for Data Storage
10 Min

9 Power Supplies
5 Min

10 Mobile Devices
5 Min

11 Batteries and Charging Systems
4 Min

12 Supplemental Readings for Batteries and Charging Systems
10 Min

13 Peripherals and Ports
4 Min

14 Components Quiz [Quiz]

4 Min

16 Putting It All Together, Part One: Installing the processor
15 Min

17 Mobile Device Repair
3 Min

18 Mobile Display Types
10 Min

19 Troubleshooting Mobile Issues
12 Min

20 Hardware Troubleshooting Quiz [Quiz]

21 Supplemental Reading on Connector Types
10 Min

22 Chapter 2 Terminologies
10 Min

1 Module Introduction
3 Min

In the third chapter of the course we will become familiar with operating systems. We discuss the operating systems that are most widely used today and learn how an operating system interacts with computer hardware. We will learn about the startup process of an operating system and show you how to install the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems from scratch. At the end of this module you will interact directly with the Windows and Linux operating systems via the Qwiklabs environment. Learning Objectives Know what the main components that make up an operating system are. Understand the boot process of an operating system. Be able to install an operating system. Create a file using the Windows and Linux operating systems.

2 Remote Connection and SSH
5 Min

3 Remote Connections on Windows
4 Min

4 Supplemental reading for Remote Connections in Windows
15 Min

5 Components of an Operating System
6 Min

6 Supplemental Reading for Chrome OS
10 Min

7 Files and File Systems
3 Min

8 Supplemental Reading for ReFS File System
10 Min

9 Process Management
3 Min

10 Memory Management and Virtual Memory
4 Min

11 I/O Management
4 Min

12 Interacting with the OS: User Space
3 Min

13 Logs
2 Min

14 The Boot Process
2 Min

15 Supplemental Reading: Boot Methods
10 Min

16 Boot Methods Best Practices(Reading)
10 Min

17 Mobile Operating Systems
3 Min

18 Operating System Quiz [Quiz]
5 Min

1 Choosing an Operating System
3 Min

2 What's Your Favorite OS?
2 Min

3 Supplemental Reading for Choosing an OS
10 Min

4 Virtual Machines
3 Min

5 Installing Windows 10
5 Min

6 Windows 10 & 11 Feature Matrix(reading)
10 Min

7 Installing Linux
6 Min

8 Supplemental Reading for Ubuntu
10 Min

9 What is Chrome OS?
3 Min

10 Mac OS
3 Min

11 Tri Ngo Obstacles & How to be successful in IT
2 Min

12 Installing an Operating System Quiz [Quiz]

13 Introduction to Qwiklabs
1 Min

14 Chapter 3 & 4 Terminologies
10 Min

1 Introduction
2 Min

In the 5th chapter of this course, we'll learn about computer networking. We'll explore the history of the Internet and what "The Web" actually is. We'll also discuss topics like Internet privacy, security, and what the future of the Internet may look like. You'll also understand why the Internet has limitations even today. By the end of this module, you will know how the Internet works and recognize both the positive and negative impacts the Internet has had on the world. Learning Objectives Recognize the positive as well as negative impacts of the Internet such as privacy and security. Understand the basics of computer networking. Understand the basics of how data travels across the Internet.

2 Basics of Networking
7 Min

3 Networking Hardware
6 Min

5 Min

5 The Web
3 Min

6 History of the Internet
4 Min

7 Limitations of the Internet
3 Min

8 The Internet and You
4 Min

9 Internet of Things
5 Min

10 Privacy and Security
3 Min

11 chapter 5 Terminologies
10 Min

1 Introduction
4 Min

In the 6th chapter of this course, we'll learn about computer software. We'll learn about what software actually is and the different types of software you may encounter as an IT Support Specialist. We'll also explore how to manage software and revisit the concept of "abstraction." By the end of this module, you'll use the Qwiklabs environment to install, update and remove software on both Windows and Linux operating systems. Learning Objectives Be able to install software on Windows and Linux. Understand the main components of software and how they work. Describe how computers use instructions to process input and produce output. Describe how a program breaks down into instructions for the CPU.

2 How software is built: Coding, scripting, and programming
3 Min

3 Common Scripting Solutions(reading)
10 Min

4 Types of Software
3 Min

5 Supplemental Reading for Software Versioning
10 Min

6 Managing Software
3 Min

7 Installing, Updating, and Removing Software on Windows
3 Min

8 Installing, Updating, and Removing Software on Linux
3 Min

9 Software Automation
2 Min

10 Your Favorite Software(Discussion)
4 Min

11 Chapter 6 Glossary
10 Min

12 Software Quiz [Quiz]
Start 5 Min

1 Introduction to Troubleshooting
5 Min

Congratulations, you've made it to the last chapter of the course! In the final chapter, we'll learn about the importance of troubleshooting and customer support. We'll go through some real-world scenarios that you might encounter at a Help Desk or Desktop Support role. We'll learn why empathizing with a user is super important when working in a tech role. Finally, we'll learn why writing documentation is an important aspect of any IT role. By the end of this module, you will utilize soft skills and write documentation to communicate with others. Learning Objectives Be able to effectively troubleshoot an issue using the troubleshooting methods learned. Be able to empathize with a user and utilize soft skills for an excellent customer service experience. Understand why documentation is an important aspect of an IT role.

2 Ask the Questions related to Problem
4 Min

3 Isolating the Problem
3 Min

4 Understand the problem from error logs
2 Min

5 Start with the Quickest Step First to Fix
3 Min

6 Troubleshooting Pitfalls to Avoid
3 Min

7 Troubleshooting best practice [Quiz]
Start 10 Min

8 Ticketing Systems and Documenting Your Work
3 Min

9 Process Documentation
2 Min

10 Documenting in Ticketing Systems
2 Min

1 Intro to Soft Skills
7 Min

2 Anatomy of an Interaction

3 How to Deal with Difficult Situations
6 Min

4 Customer Service [Quiz]

1 Your Opportunity for Success
2 Min

2 Standing Out from the Crowd
3 Min

3 Working on Your Resume[Reading]
10 Min

4 Prefer for the Interview
4 Min

5 Creating Your Elevator Pitch(Tell me about yourself)[R]
10 Min

6 What to Expect During the Technical Interview
3 Min

7 Showing Your Best Self During the Interview
2 Min

8 Interview Role Play: Customer Service
3 Min

9 Course Summery
2 Min

10 Chapter 7,8 & 9 Appendix
15 Min

11 IT Support /Help Desk Final Grocery
40 Min

12 Congratulations!
1 Min

1. IT Support/Helpdesk Example Resume 1
2. IT Support/Helpdesk Example Resume 2
3. IT Support/Helpdesk Example Resume 3


Adugna A.

4.7 Rating
79 Reviews
1144 Students
14 Courses

Adugna is an Office 365 consultant helping organizations get the most out their Microsoft 365 Digital Workplace. IT Professional at heart, Adugna focuses on helping administrators deploy, manage, automate, and configure governance across services such as SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams. As an author, Microsoft Certified Trainer , Adugna  has helped over a thousands IT Professionals and end-users across the globe to better understand and to get the most out of Office 365 and the greater Microsoft 365 platform.

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